Our stretch of the coast has been home to fossil collecting for over 200 years. It is here that Mary Anning made her incredible discoveries in the early 1800s, and remarkable finds are still being unearthed to this day.

The Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre’s displays are constantly changing as new discoveries are made. Our Recent Finds cabinet is testament to this, showcasing some of the incredible fossils that have been found in the past several years. These fossils are kindly loaned to us, like all the fossils in the Centre, by collectors and amateurs, experts who’ve been hunting for decades to children out on their first fossil walk! We hold and display these fossils for as long as the owner wishes, cycling in new fossils as they’re discovered. Even if you’ve visited the Centre before it’s well worth coming in to see what’s been found since you last joined us.

These displays are the perfect place to start to see what has been found, even after centuries of collecting in Charmouth, and to inspire before venturing out onto the beach for yourselves. Maybe you’ll find the next addition to our cabinets!

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news on our displays and finds on the beach.